I needed clothes and you clothed me,

Matthew 25:36

Clothes Closet Ministry

Clothes closet ministry began with an ambitious plan 'clothe all ages in the Alice Bell community while sharing Jesus' love.' This ministry had its first opening in January 2010 hoping for a reasonable turn out of community families. That first opening Alice Bell received about 250 people and gave away about 185 bags of clothing, numbers far above any expectation.  God has blessed the originally 'ambitious' plan with plenty of donations, willing workers and space to set up each opening. Don't be mistaken the ministry has reached out to many in need but, by far,those who work tirelessly to prepare for and staff the openings are greatly touched seeing God's hand at work.

Barbara Golec leads this ministry.

The next opening will be:

February 3, 2024

9AM to 1PM



© 2023 Alice Bell Baptist Church

Alice Bell Baptist Church • 3305 Alice Bell Road • Knoxville,Tennessee 37917 • Phone 865-522-0137