Sunday School 9:30AM Morning Worship 10:45AM Evening Worship 6:00PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:15PM

Our slogan "Affirming the Bible by Believing and Caring for others" is more than just a slogan it explains alot about who we are as a church and what we believe. It is visualized in our logo: four small tiles forming one large tile, each separate yet together making a whole, with the Cross at the center. Move your cursor over the tiles in our logo below to see more.

Affirming is to support. We support the Bible as God's Word. We support our members as brothers and sisters in Christ and our community by ministering to needs both material and spiritual.

The Bible is our source of truth. It is God's revelation of Himself to man. It is without error and is fully trustworthy. We are devoted to its study and the application of its teachings in our lives.

Believing is our confidence in God and Christ His Son. We express this as worship in many ways, singing, praying, ministering and in how we live our lives.

Caring - The love of Christ compels us to minister to our fellow believers as well as the community. This can take many forms. The goal is to direct all to Christ who showed the ultimate care for us all.  
